Friday, February 16, 2007

38 weeks and the belly button pops!
Not that you can really see it on this picture, and it's not dramatically sticky-out (yet), but it's a strangely pleasing phenomenon. I've also developed a bit of a stretchmark on the lower part of the belly - not bad going to have avoided them until now. The rest of my bump pics (past and present) are here.
Somehow it seems strange that my belly is still growing, as everything else now is a case of just waiting for the birth, so it seems like the baby and the bump should just stay as they are too. Not the case however! I'm pretty sure that Pip still hasn't engaged, although we'll find out for sure on Sunday when the midwife visits. Pip is mostly back-to-back, but is moving around quite a bit, so sometimes I feel the spine which is good as it means that he/she isn't stuck in one position. I'm doing lots of hip circling on my birthing ball, plus pelvic tilts on all fours (cat position in yoga), and sitting on a backwards kitchen chair when watching TV etc. in the evenings; all to promote best posture/positioning. I've also tried the inversion position recommended on but it's darned hard work! Couldn't manage more than about a minute and a half.
I've also just got a hypnotherapy "preparation for birth" CD; it would have been good to have started with this a couple of weeks back, but as I'm pretty sure that Pip won't arrive until after the due date, I still have a while to listen to it repeatedly and get the triggers embedded in my brain. It's very similar to Hypnobirthing principles, which I'd been reading about for quite some time. As well as preparing me for a calmer birth, it's also wonderfully relaxing for now! And I've got an accompanying relaxing music CD to play during labour, which will act as triggers for the hypno stuff. I have to say, with all the breathing practice, antenatal yoga and my homeopathic birth kit, I feel as prepared as I can for the birth. I'm actually looking forward to it!


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